Crime is any act or behavior that results in the violation of any rule or regulation imposed by the government. If anyone performs an act that is deemed harmful for the society, he may be guilty of committing a crime. That person undergoes a fair trial and, if found guilty, face punishment according to his crime.
Today, crimes, criminal behavior and trials are being broadcasted on television and internet via news channels. In fact, crime stories are quite popular on TV shows. Not to mention some blockbuster crime movies. Because of massive media coverage and loads of information may force people to believe that they are well-informed on crimes and their nature. Is criminal law really that simple? Off course not!
In reality, the law is a little more complicated to handle by TV shows. Same is the case with criminal defense lawyers.
Imagine, you’re facing a murder trial in Calgary. How would a Calgary Defence Lawyer help you? You need to get the best Calgary criminal law firm and defend yourself, instead of hiring just anyone and praying for the last minute surprise.
You ought to hire defense attorney with sheer knowledge, intelligence and experience who could guide you through each and every step. He will tell you the possible solutions and expected outcomes of your case, and prepare you for the worst. Here are some major criminal punishments:
What Types of Punishment You Could Get
If the suspect is found guilty, the court issues a sentence according to the crime. There are different types of criminal sentences. Most common types are mentioned below:
Fines are issued by the law against misdemeanors (crimes of minor nature). For example:
- Traffic violations
- Shoplifting
The amount of fine is partly based on the state law, and partly on the discretion of sentencing judge
This punishment is issues in lieu of jail time. If a person committing a crime is abide by certain rules, such as he or she would not commit other crimes, then the court may issue him probation for the entire period that would have been spent in jail. If the criminal violates probation, the court may reverse its decision and send him to jail.
Jail (Prison time or Imprisonment)
For serious crimes, the guilty person is sent to jail or imprisonment. Most felony offenses, if proved, result in imprisonment. In some places, there are certain misdemeanors that are also punishable by jail for less than a year. For example DUI charges
Alternative Sentence
These sentences mean different things. In general, these punishments do not include jail time. Alternative sentences are generally imposed on people charged with misdemeanors. For example, if a person is found guilty of DUI, the court may sentence him to perform certain community services, as well as attending alcohol and drugs rehabilitation program.
In all of the above-mentioned sentences, Calgary criminal defense lawyer plays a vital role to minimize the severity of sentence so that his client may suffer the least. This is why it is very important to hire best defense lawyer.